Аз мога...

Аз мога...

Детска градина
  Try it out
  • Slide image
  • Сравни -напиши подходящия знак!
    Image on which participants will draw, thus giving answers
  • Преброй и свържи!
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
  • Image for quiz
    Колко пчелички общо събират мед?
  • Посочи вярното решение!
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Преброй и посочи верния знак!
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Image for quiz
    Колко крака има на картинката!
  • Посочи пеперудите, при които като добавиш числото на едното крило към числото на другото крило,ще получиш числото по средата!
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Колко са общо точките на доминото?
    Image on which participants will draw, thus giving answers
  • Свържи с подходящия знак !
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair Image for the right image of the connect pair
  • Посочи верния отговор!
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Slide image
  Try it out

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